Antoine Watteau Art Locations
He is best known for his invention of a new genre, the fete galante, a small easel painting in which elegant people are depicted in conversation or music-making in a secluded parkland setting (see under FETE CHAMPETRE). His particular originality lies in the generally restrained nature of the amorous exchanges of his characters, which are conveyed as much by glance as by gesture, and in his mingling of figures in contemporary dress with others in theatrical costume, thus blurring references to both time and place.
Watteau work was widely collected during his lifetime and influenced a number of other painters in the decades following his death, especially in France and England. His drawings were particularly admired. Documented facts about Watteau life are notoriously few, though several friends wrote about him after his death (see Champion). Of over two hundred paintings generally accepted as his work Related Paintings of Jean-Antoine Watteau :. | Franzosische Komodianten | Details of The Music-Party | The scale of love | Venezianische Feste | Gilles | Related Artists:
fredrik westinFredric Westin, född den 22 september 1782 i Stockholm, död 13 maj 1862 i Stockholm, historie- och porträttmålare.
Westin hade varit elev hos Lorens Pasch d.y. och Louis Masreliez på Konstakademien. Sedan han 1808 blivit kallad till akademiens agr?? och förordnad till konduktör vid kungliga museet blev han 1812 invald i Konstakademiens styrelse. Han blev 1815 vice professor och 1816 professor vid Konstakademien. Där var han också 1828-1840 direktör. 1843 utnämndes han till hovintendent.
Till hans tidigare skede och till hans främsta alster hör "Dagens stunder", fyra dörrstycken i Karl Johans sängkammare på Rosersbergs slott med antikiserande figurer: Aurora som strör blommor över jorden, Apollon med sitt fyrspann, Diana följd av Aftonrodnaden samt Natten med sitt stjärnströdda dok (1812-13). På Säfstaholms slott finns "De fyra årstiderna presiderade av jordens gudinna" (1843), på Rosendals slott "Hebe med örnen" (1832) och "Flora bekransande Linn??s byst" (1843) och vid Stockholms universitet "Musiken, föreställd av en grupp unga flickor". Han målade också kompositioner ur den svenska historien ("Olof Skötkonungs dop", "Lutherska lärans antagande").
Westin målade en stor mängd porträtt då han under Karl XIV Johans tid var konstnären på modet. Som porträttmålare var han dock inte enhälligt uppskattad. En kritiker som Silverstolpe beklagade 1809 att en konstnär som "äger så mycken färdighet till stöd för sitt sökande av idealet" sysselsatte sig med en konst av så lågt värde och hoppades att han "måtte återvända från den platta verkliga världen till den poetiska." Hammarsköld menade 1818 att av de svenska konstnärerna var det Westin som hade de ringaste anlagen för porträttmålning. Scholander kallade hans porträtt för "vaxgubbar". Andra hade lovord att fälla över Westins porträtt. Gerss ansåg att Westins porträtt hade likhet och behag i uttrycket, enkelhet i ställning och klädsel, urval av natur i formerna och säkerhet och sanning i utförandet. Wennberg kallade honom "den förste svenske tecknarens Lorenz Paschs så värdige fosterson".
Under Karl XIV Johans tid målade han rad porträtt på kungafamiljen. 1824 målade han en populär allegori över kronprinsessan Josefinas ankomst till Sverige, där Saga i gul och blå dräkt sitter på marken framför en runsten och blickar upp mot skyn där kronprinsessan i röd och vit dräkt svävar ned på en molntapp omgiven av tre amoriner. 1838 målade han Karl XIV Johan till häst på Ladugårdsgärdet hälsande med den trekantiga hatten.
Efter att Sandbergs altartavla för Sankt Jacobs kyrka hade underkänts vände sig de ansvariga till Westin med uppdraget att måla en altartavla. Målningen, "Kristi förklaring" var klar 1828 och resultatet blev både hyllat och kritiserat. Andra altartavlor av Westin finns i Kungsholms kyrka ("Kristi uppståndelse", 1825), Åbo domkyrka ("Kristi förklaring", 1836), Uddevalla kyrka ("Kristus välsignar barnen") samt Carl Gustafs kyrka ("Kristi begravning", 1832).
JORDAN, EstebanSpanish painter/sculptor (1534-1600)
Louis Eilshemius1864-1941
Louis Eilshemius Gallery
Born near Newark, New Jersey into a wealthy family, his earliest education was in Europe, after which he spent two years at Cornell University before his art studies began at the Art Students League of New York. He subsequently studied under Bouguereau at the Acad??mie Julian in Paris, and traveled widely in Europe, Africa and the South Seas, returning to the family brownstone in New York City where he was to live for the rest of his life.
His early landscapes, which show the influence of the Barbizon school and of Corot, George Inness and Albert Pinkham Ryder, gained him little recognition from critics or from the public. Around 1910, the element of fantasy in his work became more pronounced and his technique became coarser; henceforth, he often painted on cardboard instead of canvas. As his works became more idiosyncratic, so did his behavior, and he developed an unsettling habit of visiting galleries and loudly condemning the works on display.
His later, visionary works depicting moonlit landscapes populated with voluptuous nymphs caused his contemporaries particular consternation, due to their crudely rendered and often extravagantly smiling nudes. These are shown frolicking in forests or waterfalls, either alone or in groups, sometimes defying gravity by floating through the air. His paintings of New York rooftops are as lyrical as his pastoral scenes, and like them are often bounded by sinuous "frames" he painted onto his pictures.
Eilshemius also wrote verse and prose, composed music, painted, philosophized and became notorious for his numerous, often vitriolic, letters-to-the-editor of various New York City publications. His lack of public acclaim led him to desperate measures: suspecting that the length of his name was responsible for his neglect, in about 1890 he began signing his paintings "Elshemus" (he reverted back to the original spelling in 1913). On letterheads and in hyperbolic, self-published flyers he would proclaim his accomplishments: "Educator, Ex-actor, Amateur All-around Doctor, Mesmerist-Prophet and Mystic, Reader of Hands and Faces, Linguist of 5 languages", as well as world-class athlete and marksman, "Spirit-Painter Supreme", and musician whose improvisations rivalled the compositions of Chopin. All of this only reinforced the impression, already suggested by the peculiar imagery in many of his paintings, that he was either mad or a charlatan.
He was not without supporters, however. He was championed by Marcel Duchamp, who "discovered" Eilshemius in 1917 and invited him to exhibit with him in Paris that year. His work was generally well received by French viewers and critics; his admirers included Matisse. Duchamp subsequently helped to arrange Eilshemius's first solo exhibition in 1920, at the Soci??t?? Anonyme in New York City. The hostile critical reception to this exhibition, however, finally drove him to give up painting entirely in 1921, although there is a single known painting dated 1937. The remainder of his life was dedicated to self-promotion, and in 1931 he took to referring to himself as "Mahatma".
Injured in an automobile accident in 1932, he became increasingly reclusive. His health in decline and his family fortune spent, he died in 1941.
Since his death, Eilshemius's work has found a wider audience. One of the artist's few consistent patrons, Roy Neuberger, donated a large body of Eilshemius' work to the Neuberger Museum of Art located at SUNY Purchase College in New York State.